Sunday, 6 October 2013

Stoptober! Hair Edition

I've been thinking . . .

I have been inspired by the concept of Stoptober (a campaign to stop people smoking for the month of October) and think that it can be incorporated into hair care (minus the whole smoking thing). So, with that in mind, I thought about things I do that don't necessarily benefit my hair and came up with a couple of things. One of them was that I wait too long to trim my hair. I don't really enjoy trimming my hair - the last time I went to the hairdressers, she tried to cut my hair with kitchen scissors! I am going to have to teach myself to trim my own hair and get over my scissor fear.

Another thing is sometimes I stick to my routine too much. For example, if my hair is getting a bit dirty on Thursday, I might wait until wash day instead of addressing the issue there and then.

I am going to use the concept of Stoptober to try and stop as many bad hair habits as possible and see if it has an impact on my hair - maybe you can join me.


  1. Brilliant! Natural is the way forward and like myself and alot of sisters we are finally embracing it. It's worth, we're worth it! Tasha.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. It's true, we are ensuring our hair is healthy and happy - we are definitely worth it! ♡

  2. Big Stoptober... and I've just realised that it's actually November now and I managed to stick to my goal of not using heat products on my hair during the week (had to use it for those cheeky weekend nights out, apologies). Have noticed a definite improvement!

    1. Woohoo, go Fahad! I'm glad that you stuck to it and noticed an improvement. Lol, no need to apologise! X
